A dedicated space to develop Eton’s expertise in teaching and learning. Ultimately, the space needed to push the boundaries of education and help discover more how young people learn, understand and communicate.
"For this cutting-edge facility we wanted furniture that was exciting, yet also practical and flexible. Spaceoasis embraced the project from the start, listened to our requirements and had an excellent understanding of what we were setting out to achieve. They worked with us to match the furniture to the spaces perfectly and took remarkable care over every detail. The team here has found it a pleasure to work with Spaceoasis. The result is a centre in which every aspect of the furniture is exactly right for how we use it, and a major reason why the overall effect is so stunning."
Jonnie Noakes
Head of Teaching & Learning
1) Observation Classroom
With a one-way mirror along the length of one wall, the Observation Classroom provides an opportunity for teachers to experiment with new ways of teaching and learning and to watch others doing the same. Lessons can be filmed to enable critique and the sharing of new ideas. The furniture in the Observation Classroom is deliberately simple, yet agile. 21 Spaceoasis smile tables, which are mobile and can be configured in a variety of ways, and a teacher’s lectern provide a highly flexible space that can be arranged to accommodate any lesson style. Those comfortable with experimental layouts could organise the tables in clusters, waves or a semi-circle, while those more used to a didactic face-the-front set-up can start with rows of desks and gradually move towards a more innovative approach. The mobile teacher’s lectern also encourages masters to move away from the ‘comfort zone’ of their desk. The chairs allow the user to tip the chair forward slightly, allowing movement, which improves posture and blood flow, which in turn improves concentration.
2) Creative ICT Suite
The Creative ICT Suite comprises three spaces: a master’s office, a teaching space and a seminar room. New technology is ushering in completely new ways of learning and this space is designed to allow the flexible and collaborative use of ICT. The desk in the master’s office faces the wall, so when a student comes in the master has to turn 180°, offering the student their undivided attention. Similarly, this arrangement affords the master a quiet place to work when not engaged with a student.
In the corner of the master’s office is Eton Meadows, a whimsical space with an astroturf floor, Baa stools (which look like life-size sheep) and red upholstered seats that look like toadstools. This playful space is deliberately informal; it’s somewhere that requires nothing of the students and is a place they can come when they simply need space to think. The main teaching and learning space consists of three zones, all with agile furniture and writable surfaces to encourage creative thinking and collaboration.
In the first zone, seven agile Petal tables with LearningSurface dry-wipe, writable surfaces can be clustered together for collaboration or hived off individually for independent work. A writable wall and height-adjustable circular LearningSurface table enclosed by three Agile screens, creates a more intensive thinking and brainstorming space. Upholstered seating around the outside of the screens provides another choice of places to sit.
The second area in this space consists of multi-height, irregular-shaped upholstered Lobe stools and laptop tables so students can choose how and where to sit, from perching on the edge of a high stool, to retreating to a quiet corner. This informal approach to ICT integrates technology in a more relaxed and flexible way than the rigid, fixed bank of screens of a traditional ICT suite. The plethora of writable surfaces in this space also encourages creativity and collaboration in a way that paper and pens simply can’t match.
The third area in the Creative ICT Suite is the seminar room, which includes a bespoke-designed oval table. Elliptical in shape and seating up to 16, this table enables groups to come together in a non-hierarchical setting where students can interact tutorial-style, much as they would at university or in the workplace. Each seat at the table has its own pull-out writing shelf concealed beneath the table’s top enabling students to turn through 90° to work independently.
3) Video Conferencing Room
CIRL’s sleek, white video conferencing room bears little resemblance to your average facility, with the audiovisual equipment integrated so that not a single cable is visible. This room will act as Eton’s window on the world, allowing the college to share its teaching and research with schools and organisations both locally and across the globe. A shield-shaped table featuring the Eton College crest sits in the centre of the room with the flat edge of the table facing the screen, this means everyone sitting at the table can see and be seen. When the screen is not in use, seats can be placed on all three sides of the table.
The centre acts as a research hub, allowing experimentation with cutting -edge innovations in teaching and learning and a greater emphasis on evidence-based practice. Masters use the centre to try new methods of teaching and to share best practice, while Eton’s students will experience new ways of learning in a non-traditional environment that is unlike any other in the school.
TTS Learning Spaces is proud to be working with SpaceOasis to create innovative and exciting learning environments for international schools. A special thank you to the team for supplying this case study.
A dedicated space to develop Eton’s expertise in teaching and learning. Ultimately, the space needed to push the boundaries of education and help discover more how young people learn, understand and communicate.
"For this cutting-edge facility we wanted furniture that was exciting, yet also practical and flexible. Spaceoasis embraced the project from the start, listened to our requirements and had an excellent understanding of what we were setting out to achieve. They worked with us to match the furniture to the spaces perfectly and took remarkable care over every detail. The team here has found it a pleasure to work with Spaceoasis. The result is a centre in which every aspect of the furniture is exactly right for how we use it, and a major reason why the overall effect is so stunning."
Jonnie Noakes
Head of Teaching & Learning
1) Observation Classroom
With a one-way mirror along the length of one wall, the Observation Classroom provides an opportunity for teachers to experiment with new ways of teaching and learning and to watch others doing the same. Lessons can be filmed to enable critique and the sharing of new ideas. The furniture in the Observation Classroom is deliberately simple, yet agile. 21 Spaceoasis smile tables, which are mobile and can be configured in a variety of ways, and a teacher’s lectern provide a highly flexible space that can be arranged to accommodate any lesson style. Those comfortable with experimental layouts could organise the tables in clusters, waves or a semi-circle, while those more used to a didactic face-the-front set-up can start with rows of desks and gradually move towards a more innovative approach. The mobile teacher’s lectern also encourages masters to move away from the ‘comfort zone’ of their desk. The chairs allow the user to tip the chair forward slightly, allowing movement, which improves posture and blood flow, which in turn improves concentration.
2) Creative ICT Suite
The Creative ICT Suite comprises three spaces: a master’s office, a teaching space and a seminar room. New technology is ushering in completely new ways of learning and this space is designed to allow the flexible and collaborative use of ICT. The desk in the master’s office faces the wall, so when a student comes in the master has to turn 180°, offering the student their undivided attention. Similarly, this arrangement affords the master a quiet place to work when not engaged with a student.
In the corner of the master’s office is Eton Meadows, a whimsical space with an astroturf floor, Baa stools (which look like life-size sheep) and red upholstered seats that look like toadstools. This playful space is deliberately informal; it’s somewhere that requires nothing of the students and is a place they can come when they simply need space to think. The main teaching and learning space consists of three zones, all with agile furniture and writable surfaces to encourage creative thinking and collaboration.
In the first zone, seven agile Petal tables with LearningSurface dry-wipe, writable surfaces can be clustered together for collaboration or hived off individually for independent work. A writable wall and height-adjustable circular LearningSurface table enclosed by three Agile screens, creates a more intensive thinking and brainstorming space. Upholstered seating around the outside of the screens provides another choice of places to sit.
the second area in this space consists of multi-height, irregular-shaped upholstered Lobe stools and laptop tables so students can choose how and where to sit, from perching on the edge of a high stool, to retreating to a quiet corner. This informal approach to ICT integrates technology in a more relaxed and flexible way than the rigid, fixed bank of screens of a traditional ICT suite. The plethora of writable surfaces in this space also encourages creativity and collaboration in a way that paper and pens simply can’t match.
The third area in the Creative ICT Suite is the seminar room, which includes a bespoke-designed oval table. Elliptical in shape and seating up to 16, this table enables groups to come together in a non-hierarchical setting where students can interact tutorial-style, much as they would at university or in the workplace. Each seat at the table has its own pull-out writing shelf concealed beneath the table’s top enabling students to turn through 90° to work independently.
3) Video Conferencing Room
CIRL’s sleek, white video conferencing room bears little resemblance to your average facility, with the audiovisual equipment integrated so that not a single cable is visible. This room will act as Eton’s window on the world, allowing the college to share its teaching and research with schools and organisations both locally and across the globe. A shield-shaped table featuring the Eton College crest sits in the centre of the room with the flat edge of the table facing the screen, this means everyone sitting at the table can see and be seen. When the screen is not in use, seats can be placed on all three sides of the table.
The centre acts as a research hub, allowing experimentation with cutting
-edge innovations in teaching and learning and a greater emphasis on
evidence-based practice.
Masters use the centre to try new methods of
teaching and to share best practice, while Eton’s students will experience
new ways of learning in a non-traditional environment that is unlike any
other in the school.
TTS Learning Spaces is proud to be working with SpaceOasis to create innovative and exciting learning environments for international schools. A special thank you to the team for supplying this case study.
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Foxidea | CEO : Park Sang Jin | Business Registration : [314-27-74636]
Address : 34158 #506, S9 Bldg. 125 Dongseo-daero, Yuseong-gu,
Daejeon (34158), Korea, Republic of Foxidea Corporate Research Institute, #507 | Call : 042-825-7722 | Fax : 042-825-7721
042-825-7722 | 9:00 - 18:00 (LUNCH 12:00 - 13:00) SAT SUN HOLIDAY OFF